Hot Tag: customer loyalty

Email your customers in coming Easter!

Now is the last minute to prepare your Easter greeting! How is your Easter campaign? Here are 4 tips for you to double check if your Easter card is ready to generate leads. Check it out!

Drip your brand into customers’ lives

Have you earned $40 returns for every dollar spent in marketing? If not, you probably have not yet started Drip Marketing – Automated email marketing strategies. Drip marketing can be done using autoresponder with extremely low cost. You only need to schedule a series of email campaigns in advance and these campaigns will be sent out automatically. Drip marketing can build up relationship with your customers with least effort. With a reliable email service provider, you only need to prepare an email marketing plan. Then, the email campaigns will automatically drip into the market and drive revenue for you.

Here are 5 types of eDM boosting customers’ loyalty

As a marketer, you must want to boost customers’ loyalty, isn’t it? Over 45% of marketers regard email marketing as the tool of increasing customers’ loyalty. Moreover, eDM which is used for improving customers’ loyalty also drives higher engagement rate, i.e. email open rate and click rate. So, what types of content should you put in the eDM?

5 種提高顧客忠誠度的電郵

作為一個市場推廣員,你一定希望提升顧客忠誠度,是嗎? 超過 45% 的市場推廣員視電郵推廣為提升顧客忠誠度的工具。再者,用作改善顧客忠誠度的電郵往往能推動更高的參與度,例如電郵開啟率及點擊率。那你應該在電郵中包括什麼類別的內容呢?